LG Chem Home Battery 6.5kWh
LG Chem Home Storage System - RESU6.5 kWh, 48V
10 January, 2021 by
LG Chem Home Battery 6.5kWh
Ausgreen Solar Solutions
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Solar Home Storage System / Battery: LG Chem Home Battery 6.5kWh

RESU6.5 kwh - 48V, the most suitable solar home storage system for small or lower mid size households in Australia.

https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74e05b_e26ecc1f968a4f9ca373112f72eb6725~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_176,h_124,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/RESU_Logo.webp https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74e05b_6917e7e07b784f1ebca6bb66508b118c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_196,h_27,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/LG%20Energy%20Solution_EN_Horizontal.webp

Get the most out of your solar with Australia's preferred home battery,  LG Energy Australia says on Their LG Home Battery website.


RESU6.5 - 6.5kWh battery storage system battery from LG Chem is a Residential Energy Storage Unit (RESU) featuring a 48V (nominal 51.8V) lithium ion battery with integrated battery management system.

RESU6.5 is designed to tie in with a grid connect solar system to increase self-consumption and savings.
An additional inverter (e.g. Solis or Sungrow or Solaredge or Goodwe  inverter) is also required. 6.5kWh is big enough to offset the late afternoon/evening energy use of an average household. Smaller households could cover evening and early morning electricity needs.

Key Features Of LG Chem Home Battery RESU 6.5 kWh: 

RESU generation features 4200 watts continuous power and DC round-tripefficiency of 95% while ensuring 80% of capacity retention after 10 years, and consequently comes with a 10 year warranty. Along with the RESU 6.5kWh , all new generation 48V models (3.3kWh, 6.5kWh, 9.8kWh) can be "cross-connected" with one other 48V unit of any capacity.

All models are floor or wall mountable; thFe protection class (IP55) even allows outdoor installation; however, RPC recommends a cool location, e.g. inside a brick garage.

The general specifications are : Weight: 54 Kilograms Warranty: 10yrs and  the details specifications of LG Chem Home Battery RESU6.5 kWh

LG Chem Home Battery Data Sheet:


LG Home Battery Storage RESU 6.5 kWh Certificate.
LG Chem Home Battery 6.5kWh
Ausgreen Solar Solutions
10 January, 2021

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