How much is 15kw solar system?
The price of 15Kw solar system approximate price would be in between $7000 to $10000 depends on a few factors
16 November, 2023 by
Ausgreen Solar Solutions, Von Mike
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The 15Kw Solar system comes with great energy and commonly used in big homes, commercial needs to fulfill like restaurants.

The price of 15Kw solar system depends on a few factors and they are: 

  • Number of panels to install

  • Inverter type 

  • Roof type

  • Property type (single or multi-storey)

  • Meter type

Today, we will discuss these various factors while installing a 15 KW solar system for you. So, stay with us!

Cost of 15Kw Solar Panels

To allocate such a solar system one must have enough space on the rooftop to install a minimum 35 panels. 

The price basically depends on which solar company you prefer to install. For example, Jinko Solar comes with 35 panels which costs approximately $3606

Now, the inverter comes to charge. For 15Kw panels, you would need 3 Phase inverters. Lets say, for Jinko N Type 440W Solar inverter this would additionally cost $4000. 

Now, Roof type is another factor which additionally comes to add to the bill. 

Thankfully, we don’t charge extra if your roof type would be tin or normal. But the Terracotta or metal roof gives our installer a hard time to set up the panels. Therefore, we charge a few hundred dollars more for it. 

Last but not the least, the Property type and meter type set the final price point.



How many batterries do I need for a 15kw solar inverter?

16 batterries would  be decent for 15KW solar inverter but if you want to keep more electricity storage then you may extend up 32 batteries.

Is 15KW a lot of power? 

15KW solar system can produce on average 60kWh. So, this amount of power is lot or not it depends on how much electricty you would like to consume

Can 15 KW run a house?

Ideally, 15KW is the most suitable system for commercial perpose so compared to that definitely it can run your house too. 

Ausgreen Solar Solutions, Von Mike
16 November, 2023

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