An Initiative By Clean Energy Council, Australia

In Australian renewable energy industry CEC is playing a great role to be appreciated and admired,It Has Helped in many ways the solar energy businesses and consumers to make the industry sustainable.
This "Workforce Development", initiative by CEC is such initiative to be appreciated by the businesses involved in renewable energy industry. Below the copy of the initiative is given as published on Clean Energy Council Australia website.
A skilled workforce is a crucial component to Australia’s energy transformation.
A strong clean energy sector must be founded on a dynamic and skilled workforce, supported by a focus on job safety, quality, and sustainability for Australians and Australian communities.
The Clean Energy Council is spearheading a coordinated effort to engage industry, governments, training institutions and other relevant stakeholders in laying the foundations for a strong and secure renewable energy workforce. Research commissioned by the Clean Energy Council in 2019 suggests that the renewable energy sector faces issues regarding:
- > the recruitment of skilled and semi-skilled workers to meet the needs of a growing industry
- > retention of the workforce in the context of challenging policy and regulatory environments
- > aligning industry opportunities with approaches to regional development.
Clean Energy at Work highlights the results of the largest study of current and projected employment in the renewable energy industry in Australia.