Why Record High Solar Panel Installation In 2020?
Though COVID 19 Lock Down, Highest Solar Installation
26 January, 2021 by
Why Record High Solar Panel Installation In 2020?
Ausgreen Solar Solutions
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Did You Know?

Record High Solar Panel Installation in 2020 though there was lock down and restriction in doing business, many businesses had to go out of business.

Major Findings From The Past Year

Major Key points:

  • In comparison to 2019, 39% more Aussies installed solar over 2020.­
  • Every Australian state recorded a ‘personal best’ in small-scale solar installations for December.
  • 2020 saw Australians selecting bigger sized systems with the average system size coming in at 9kW.
  • Ready to make 2021 an even better solar year?

Australian PV market since April 2001

The Clean Energy Regulator database of solar PV generators represents all the systems that have been installed under the Commonwealth Government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme. The RET commenced on 1 April 2001, hence this is the earliest date from which national data is available.

PV system owners and installers have up to twelve months to report the installation of a new system to the Clean Energy Regulator. Historically, 50% of new installations are registered within one month, and 90% of new installations within four months.

For this reason, the data for the more recent months understates the number of actual installations. In the graphs below, an estimate is made, based on historical reporting patterns, to account for the time difference between systems being installed and appearing in the database. Source

"As of 30 September 2020, there are over 2.56 million PV installations in Australia, with a combined capacity of over 18.5 gigawatts."

Why Record High Solar Panel Installation In 2020 Though There Was COVID 19 lock down?

The first thing first, due to covid19 lock down and when people are stuck in their homes, the first thing to make sure was to reduce regular cost and start savings for situations like this.

And that is the biggest reason behind record high solar panel installation in 2020 though there was covid 19 lock down.

One of the other reason could be, as people are forced to stay back home; working from home was the only option that every one was left with. So, when it comes to working from home one need enough power to work from home and solar energy is the only option to come handy when its about controlling energy cost.

Its expected that in 2021, this trends will be still increasing and more number of people will move towards cheap renewable energy, which solar panels on the roof top.

To put that into perspective, the electricity generated by these new solar panel installations was able to power 1.9 million homes.

In addition, 2020 ended with a bang, with 324MW of all solar installs registered in December.

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Why Record High Solar Panel Installation In 2020?
Ausgreen Solar Solutions
26 January, 2021

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